Retrospective Analysis of Equine General Anesthesia Performed at Korea Racing Authority

한국마사회에서 실시한 말의 전신마취에 대한 후향 분석

  • Kim, Ahrham (Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University) ;
  • Yang, Youngjin (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Song, Daeyoung (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Kim, Jinkap (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Kim, Hagi (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Kwon, Cheoljae (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Seo, Eugene (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Jeong, Hyohoon (Equine Hospital of Korea Racing Authority) ;
  • Lee, Inhyung (Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • Accepted : 2014.03.27
  • Published : 2014.04.30


This study was conducted to analyze the results of inhalation anesthesia performed at the equine hospital of Korea Racing Authority (KRA) and to find out the influencing factors on mortality during and/or after inhalation anesthesia. Among 585 cases of anesthesia, orthopedic surgery (410) was performed the most frequently, followed by colic surgery (85) and upper airway surgery (45). Twenty out of 585 horses were either euthanized or died during and/or after anesthesia. Among those twenty horses, fourteen horses received colic surgery, three received orthopedic surgery, and three others received upper airway surgery. The major causes of mortality were rupture of intestine in colic surgery and airway obstruction during recovery in upper airway surgery. Myopathy, refracture, laminitis were the causes of mortality in orthopedic surgery. Consequently, the horses that received colic and upper airway surgeries showed significantly high mortality rate rather than horses that received orthopedic surgery (p < 0.01). According to the results, horses that received colic surgery showed the highest mortality rate from euthanasia due to poor and grave prognosis. To reduce the perioperative mortality of horses, it is recommended to perform perioperative intensive care for colic surgery and careful monitoring for upper airway surgery during recovery.

본 연구는 한국마사회 동물병원에서 시행한 전신마취 결과를 분석하고 마취 중 후에 발생한 사망률에 영향을 미치는 인자를 찾기 위하여 실시되었다. 총585두의 환마에서 전신마취가 실시되었으며, 수술의 빈도는 정형외과 수술(410)이 가장 많이 실시되었고, 산통 수술(85), 호흡기 수술(45) 순이었다. 585두 중 20두가 마취 중 후에 죽거나 안락사 되었다. 20두 중 14두는 산통 수술을 받았고, 3두는 정형외과 수술, 3두는 호흡기 수술을 받았다. 세부 사망원인으로는 산통 수술에서는 장파열, 호흡기 수술에서는 기도폐색이었다. 정형외과 수술에서는 근육병증, 재골절, 제엽염이 안락사의 원인이었다. 결과적으로 산통 수술과 호흡기 수술 후의 사망률은 정형외과 수술 후보다 높게 나타났다 (p < 0.01). 이상의 결과로부터, 산통수술을 받는 말의 사망률이 가장 높은 것을 확인하였으며, 그 원인은 예후불량에 의한 안락사이었다. 말의 마취 전후 사망률을 낮추기 위하여, 산통 수술을 받는 말은 수술 전후의 집중 관리가 필요하고, 호흡기 수술을 받는 말은 회복 중 주의 깊은 관찰이 추천된다.



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