Official Development Assistance and Environmental Assessment

공적개발원조사업(Official Development Assistance)의 방향과 환경평가

  • Lee, Jong Ho (Department of Urban Planning, Cheongju University)
  • Received : 2013.12.20
  • Accepted : 2014.02.07
  • Published : 2014.02.28


ODA projects such as multi-purpose dam, industrial complex, road construction etc. have resulted in environmental damage and resident relocation including destruction of site of living. Even the grandiose developments as ODA projects have made clear the value clashes between development and environmental conservation, and have brought about conflicts between public interests and public environmental right, and the discordance between public interests and private property rights in the recipient country. This study summarizes and analyses the Korea's ODA projects and will suggest the public participation and governance system based on Saemaul Movement, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment based on the guideline of OECD DAC, and emphasize Strategic Environmental Assessment and Social Impact Assessment in the procedure of ODA projects. In the future the ODA project should be implemented for the overcome of poverty and response to climate change based on the experience and trial and errors of Korea's compact growth and past ODA projects.



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