1. Introduction
Consider the following nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP): to find a vector such that
where is continuously differentiable with F := (F1, F1, . . . , Fn)T. The NCP has been studied extensively due to its many applications in operation research, engineering and economics(see, for example, [1,2]).
For the NCPs, many solution methods, such as interior point methods [3,4], smoothing methods [5,6,7]. In this paper, we are interested in smoothing Newton methods for solving NCP. This method is to reformulate NCP as a system of smoothing equations by using smoothing function, and to solve the equation at each iteration by Newton method. Smoothing function plays an important role in smoothing Newton algorithms. Up to now, many smoothing functions have been proposed: the Kanzow smoothing function [8], Chen-Harker-Kanzow-Smale smoothing function [5], Chen-Mangasarian smoothing function [9], Huang-Han-Chen smoothing function [10], and so on. Generally, the construction of a smoothing function is based on a so-called NCP-function: An NCP-function is a mapping having the property
Many NCP-functions have been studied. Among them, the Fischer-Burmeister function and the minimum function are the most prominent NCP-functions, which are defined respectively by
By smoothing the symmetric perturbed Fischer-Burmeister function, Huang, Han, Xu and Zhang [11] proposed the following smoothing function:
By smoothing the symmetric perturbed minimum function, Huang et. al. [10] proposed the following smoothing function:
Recently, by combining the Fischer-Burmeister function and the minimum function, Liu and Wu [12] proposed the following function:
Motivated by [10,11,12], we introduce in this paper the following smoothing function:
where θ is a given constant with θ ∈ [0,1]. It is easy to see that when θ = 1, ϕθ reduces to the smoothing function defined by (1.3); and when θ = 0, ϕθ reduces to smoothing function defined by (1.2). Thus, the class of smoothing functions defined by (4) contains the smoothing function (1.2) and (1.3) as special cases.
Motivated by the above mentioned work, by using the symmetric perturbed technique and the idea of convex combination, we propose a new class of smoothing functions. We also investigate a smoothing Newton method to solve the NCP based on a new class of smoothing functions. Our algorithm has the following nice properties: (a) Our algorithm needs only to solve one linear system of equations and perform one line search per iteration. (b) Here we give the boundedness of the level set and hence the iteration sequence is bounded and thus there exists at least one accumulation point. We do not need to assume the nonemptyness and boundedness of the solution set of NCP (1.1), although this assumption is widely used in the literature. (c) The function we use is a parametric class of smoothing functions containing some important smoothing complementarity functions as its special cases. We can adjust the two parameter to get better effect in practice. The numerical experiments implicate that the algorithm is efficient and promising.
The organization of this paper is as follows. In section 2, we recall some useful definitions and give some properties of new smoothing function. In section 3, we propose a smoothing Newton algorithm. Convergence results are analyzed in section 4. Some preliminary computational results are reported in section 5. Some words about notation are needed. All vectors are column vectors. denote the nonnegative and positive orthants of respectively. We define N = {1, 2, . . . , n}.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we recall some useful definitions and give some properties of the new smoothing function defined by (4).
Definition 2.1. A matrix is said to be a P0-matrix if all its principal minors are non-negative.
Definition 2.2. A function is said to be a P0-function if for all there exists an index i0 ∈ N such that
The following lemma gives some properties of the smoothing function ϕθ(·, ·, ·) defined by (4). Its proof is obviously.
Lemma 2.3. Let be defined by (4). Then,
(i) ϕθ(0, a, b) = 0 ⇔ a ≥ 0, b ≥ 0, ab = 0.
(ii) ϕθ(μ, a, b) is continuously differentiable for all points in different from (0, c, c) for arbitrary In particular, ϕθ(μ, a, b) is continuously differentiable for arbitrary (μ, a, b) ∈ with μ ≠ 0.
(iii) ϕθ(μ, a, b) is semismooth on
By (5) and Lemma 2.1, we known that solving NCP (1) is equivalent to solve H(z) = 0.
Define merit function
We also know that the NCP (1) is equivalent to the following equation:
For simplicity, we denote
Lemma 2.4. Let be defined by (5) and (6), respectively. Then:
(i) Փθ is continuously differentiable at any
(ii) H is continuously differentiable at any with its Jacobian
If F is a P0−function, then the matrix H′(z) is nonsingular on
Proof. It is easy to see that Փθ is continuously differentiable at any
Next we prove (ii). It follows from (i) and F is continuously differentiable that H is continuously differentiable at any From the definition of H(z) (5), it follows that (9) holds. For all i ∈ N,
By the above equation, we have
which together with (2.6), we have
which imply that D1(z) and D2(z) are positive diagonal matrices for any Since F is a P0-function, then F′(x) is a P0-matrix for any by Lemma 5.4 in [13]. In view of the fact that D2(z) is a positive diagonal matrix, by a straightforward calculation we have that all principal minors of the matrix D2(z)F′(x) are nonnegative. By Definition 2.1, we know that the matrix D2(z)F′(x) is a P0-matrix. Hence, by Theorem 3.1 in [14], the matrix D1(z) + D2(z)F′(x) is obviously nonsingular, which implies that H′(z) is nonsingular.
3. Algorithm
In this section we shall present a smoothing Newton method for NCP and prove that the proposed algorithm is well defined.
Algorithm 3.1. ( Smoothing Newton algorithm)
S0 Choose
Take γ ∈ (0, 1) such that
Let be an arbitrary vector,
S1 Termination criterion. If ∥H(zk)∥ = 0, stop.
S2 Compute
where βk = β(zk) is defined by β(z) := γmin{1, h(z)}.
S3 Let mk is the smallest nonnegative integer such that
Let λk := δmk.
S4 Set zk+1 = zk + λkΔzk and k := k + 1. Go to S1.
The following theorem proves that Algorithm 3.1 is well-defined and generates an infinite sequence. Define the set
Theorem 3.1. Suppose F is a continuously differentiable P0-function. Then, Algorithm 3.1 is well-defined and generates infinite sequence {zk = (μk, xk)} with
Proof. If μk > 0, since F is a continuously differentiable P0-function, then it follows from Lemma 2.2 that the matrix H′(zk) is nonsingular. Hence, step S2 is well-defined at the k−th iteration. By (11) we have
which implies
where the second inequality follows from
Hence, by the first equation of (3.1), we can get
From (2.1) and (2.4), we have
Let Rk(α) = h(zk+αΔzk)−h(zk)−αh′(zk)Δzk. It is easy to see that R(α) = o(α). When
Then by (3.1), (3.2), (3.4) and (3.5), we have
Since For α sufficiently small, we can get this shows that step S3 is well-defined at the k-th iteration. Therefore, Algorithm 3.1 is well-defined and generates an infinite sequence
Next, we will prove zk ∈ Ω for k ≥ 0. This can be obtained by inductive method. Firstly, it is evident from the choice of the starting point z0 ∈ Ω. Secondly, suppose that zk ∈ Ω, then by (13) we have then
4. Convergence of Algorithm 3.1
In this section, we discuss the global convergence and local superlinear convergence of Algorithm 3.1. We need the following Lemma 4.1 which can be founded in [15].
Lemma 4.1. Let ε > 0 and the function be defined by
Let be any two sequences such that ak, bk → +∞ or ak → −∞ or bk → −∞. Then |ϕ(ak, bk)| → +∞.
Lemma 4.2. Let be defined by
Assume that be any two sequences such that ak, bk → +∞ or ak → −∞ or bk → −∞. Then
Proof. (i) Suppose that ak → −∞. If {bk} is bounded, then the result holds obviously; else if bk → +∞, we have −ak > 0 and bk > 0 for all k sufficiently large, and hence,
which, together with −ak → +∞, implies that
(ii) For the case of bk → −∞. By using the symmetry of function about ak, bk, we know the result holds.
(iii) Suppose that ak → +∞ and bk → +∞. Thus, for sufficiently large k,
By Lemma 4.1, we know that
Lemma 4.3. Let F be a continuous P0-function and Փθ(μ, x) be defined by (6). For any μ > 0 and c > 0, define the level set
Then, for any 0 < μ1 ≤ μ2 and c > 0 , the set is bounded.
Proof. Suppose, to the contrary, that Lμ(c) is unbounded. Then for some fixed c > 0, we can find a sequence {(μk, xk)} such that μ1 ≤ μk ≤ μ2 and ∥Փθ(μk, xk)∥ ≤ c, ∥xk∥ → ∞.
Since the sequence {xk} is unbounded, then the index set J := {i ∈ N : is unbounded } is nonempty. Without loss of generality, we can assume that be defined by
Then, is bounded. Note that F is a P0-function, by Definition 2.2, we have
where j is one of the indices for which the max is attained, and j is assumed, without loss of generality, to be independent of k, we obtained
We consider the following two cases:
case 1: In this case, since is bounded by the continuity of Fj, we deduce from Equation (4.3) we have
By Lemma 4.2, we know that
case 2: In this case, since is bounded by the continuity of Fj, we deduce from Equation (4.3) for any k. Since μ1 ≤ μk ≤ μ2, we have
which, together with Lemma 4.2, gives
In either case, we obtained ∥Փθ(μk, xk)∥ → +∞, which contradicts with ∥Փθ(μk, xk)∥ ≤ c. This completes the proof.
Corollary 4.3 Suppose that F is a P0-function and μ > 0. Then the function ∥Փθ(μ, x)∥ is coercive, i.e., lim∥x∥→∞ ∥Փθ(μ, x)∥ = +∞.
Theorem 4.4. Suppose F is a continuously differentiable P0-function, and the sequence {zk = (μk, xk)} is generated by Algorithm 3.1. Then the sequence {zk} is bounded and any accumulation point z∗ = (μ∗, x∗) of the sequence {zk} is a solution of H(zk) = 0.
Proof. Since h(zk) is monotonically decreasing and bounded from below by zero, it then follows that the sequence ∥Փθ(zk)∥ is bounded. By Corollary 4.3, we immediately obtain {xk} is bounded. Note that the boundedness of {h(zk)} implies the boundedness of μk. So {zk} is bounded. Without loss of generality, suppose zk → z∗. Then h(zk) → h∗, β(zk) → β∗. If h(zk) = 0, we obtain the desired result. Now, we prove h∗ = 0 by contradiction. In fact, if h∗ ≠ 0, then h∗ > 0, then β∗ = γ min{1, h∗} > 0, and It follows from Lemma 2.2 that H′(z∗) is nonsingular. By the continuity of H′(z), there exists a closed neighborhood N(z∗) of z∗ such that for any z ∈ N(z∗), we have is invertible. So, for all sufficiently large k, zk ∈ N(z∗) and H′(zk) is invertible. Let be the unique solution of the following system:
It follows from the continuity of H and the definition of β(.) that {μk} and {βk} converge to μ∗ and β∗, respectively. That together with (3.2), implies that
Thus, for sufficiently large k, the stepsize does not satisfy (3.2), then
which implies that
Taking limits on both sides of the inequalities (4.5), from (4.6) we have
This indicates that we have σ ≥ 1, which contradicts is a solution of H(μ, x) = 0.
Theorem 4.5. Suppose that F is a continuously differentiable P0-function. Let z∗ be an accumulation point of the iteration sequence {zk} generated by Algorithm 3.1. If all V ∈ ∂H(z∗) are nonsingular, then:
(1) λk ≡ 1,for all zk sufficiently close to z∗;
(2) the whole sequence {zk} converges to z∗;
(3) ∥zk+1−z∗∥ = o(∥zk−z∗∥)(or ∥zk+1−z∗∥ = O(∥zk−z∗∥2) if F′ is Lipschitz continuous on ℜn).
Proof. The proof is similar to the one given in [16], Theorem 3.2.
5. Numerical experiments
In this section, we report some numerical results of Algorithm 3.1. All experiments are done using a PC with CPU of 1.6 GHz and RAM of 512 MB, and all codes are finished in MATLAB 7.5. Throughout our computational experiments, the parameters used in the algorithm are chosen as
In our implementation, we use ∥H(zk)∥ ≤ 10-6 as the stopping rule.
Example 5.1. Kojima-Shindo Problem. This test problem was used by Pang and Gabriel [17], Mangasarian and Solodov [18], Kanzow [19], and Jiang and Qi [20] with four variables. Let
Table 1 gives the results for this example with starting points a1 = (0, 0, 0, 1)T, a2 = (1,−2, 1,−2)T, a3 = (1, 2, 6, 8)T.
TABLE1.Numerical results for Examples 5.1 to 5.4
Example 5.2. Josephy Problem. This test problem was used by Dirkse and Ferris [22] with four variables. Let
Table 1 gives the results for this example with starting points a1 = (2,−2,−2,−2)T, a2 = (2, 3, 4, 6)T, a3 = (0, 2, 0, 6)T.
Example 5.3. Mathiesen Problem. This test problem was used by Pang and Gabriel [17] with four variables, which was also tested by Kanzow [19] . Let
where α = 0.75, b2 = 1, b3 = 2. Table 1 gives the results for this example with starting points a1 = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 2)T, a2 = (2,−2,−2,−2)T, a3 = (0,−2,−2, 0)T.
Example 5.4. HS 34 Problem. This test problem was from the book of Hock and Schittkowski [21]: Their Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) optimality conditions lead to complementarity problems of dimensions 8. Let
Table 1 gives the results with starting points a1 = (−1,−1,−1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)T, a2 = (0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)T, a3 = (1, 1, 1,−10,−10,−10,−10,−10)T.
In Table 1, IT denotes the numbers of iteration; NF denotes the numbers of function value’s evaluation; CPU denotes the CPU time for solving the underlying problem in second; and − denotes the algorithm fails to find the optimizer in the sense that the iteration numbers are larger than 1000.
Table 1 shows that not all the best numerical results occur in the case of θ = 0(in this case, the smoothing function is proposed by Huang et. al. in [11]) or θ = 1 (in this case, the smoothing function is proposed by Huang et. al. in [10]). These demonstrate that the new smoothing function introduced in this paper is worth investigating. The Figures 1 and 2 below plot the corresponding convergence of merit function h(zk) versus the iteration number. From the two figures, when θ = 0.5 and θ = 0.75, h(zk) has a faster decrease than θ = 0 and θ = 1. These also demonstrate that the new smoothing function introduced in this paper is worth investigating. Numerical experiments also demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the new algorithm.This new proposed class of complementarity functions have great advantage because we can adjust the parameter θ to obtain an optimal solution to NCP.
FIGURE 1.Convergence behavior of Example 5.3 with the initial point a1
FIGURE 2.Convergence behavior of Example 5.3 with the initial point a3
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