Safety Assessment Analysis of the Rotorcraft Fuel Pumps

회전익기 연료펌프 안전성 평가 분석

  • Received : 2013.05.27
  • Accepted : 2013.06.21
  • Published : 2013.06.30


The system and components for aircraft are required the design data on which the safety requirements are properly reflected for their certification. This paper presents the procedure and results of a safety assessments analysis for the rotorcraft fuel pumps in oder to confirm and verify them. The fuel pumps design assessment must be performed, including a detailed failure analysis to identify all failures that will prevent continued safe flight or safe landing. In order to assess the fuel pumps design safety, not only system safety hazard analysis and but FTA(Fault Tree Analysis) for proofing the safety objective of the fuel pumps are performed. The results of the safety assessment for fuel pumps validate that no single failure or malfunction could result in catastrophic failure or critical accidents of the rotorcraft.



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