A Study on the Spring Season Food in View of Oriental Medicine

한의학 이론에 근거한 봄철 시절식(時節食)의 고찰

  • Ji, Myoung-Soon (Department of Hotel Food Service & Culinary Art, Youngdong University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Jin (College of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon University)
  • Received : 2013.01.21
  • Accepted : 2013.02.06
  • Published : 2013.02.20


Jeol-sik, (festive seasons every 15 days based on sun cycle), refers to both Korean Traditional Festival food(jeol-sik), intertwined between months, and in-season meals(si-jeol-sik) in which the ingredients used are produced in each and one of the four season. Si-jeol-sik is a kind of recommendatory food, which is combined to seasonal changes. I found that ingredients in Si-jeol-sik of spring are helpful for strengthening one's life force. Moreover, the ingredients also reflects seasonal changes. The main ingredient of Si-jeol-sik in January(in lunar year) is rice. Rice is good for upgrading one's stomach qi(energy). Rice continues to be used in February. In addition, some greens are included in February Si-jeol-sik as to help defecation. In March, the ingredients become diverse and abundant. The main concern in the ingredients found in March is not limited to stomach qi. These changes of ingredients are in line with the concept of 'health maintenance', which is written in Huangdi Neijing. The writing teaches the wisdom of adaptation to nature. Si-jeol-sik's basic idea is maybe giving people some food, which includes useful elements to help them survive through a season or the next season. They can be also explained properly by the help of five flavours theory. According to Huangdi Neijing liver is main organ of spring. So liver is more important than other organs in spring. And the most efficient way for liver is supplying sweet or sour food. Interestingly, there are many sweet elements in Si-jeol-sik of spring.



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