A Study on Determinations of Survey Station in Marine Ecosystems Based by Impact Prediction of Environment Impact Assessment in Coastal Development Projects

연안개발사업 환경영향평가 영향예측 결과에 근거한 해양생태계 조사정점 선정방안에 관한 연구

  • 조범준 (한국환경정책.평가연구원) ;
  • 맹준호 (한국환경정책.평가연구원)
  • Received : 2012.07.27
  • Accepted : 2012.09.13
  • Published : 2012.10.31


In case of executing surveys in marine ecosystems, the most important things are scientific selection measures of survey stations that can represent various ecosystems characteristics in subjected areas. The situations show a lot of differences that understand characteristics of marine ecosystems in targeted areas according to selection methods and positions in survey stations. Investigation ranges and station numbers in marine ecosystems are classified according to project characteristics and scales. But, currently a clear divisions or objective standards are not. Therefore, this study tried to provide selection measures of survey station in scientific and objective marine ecosystems through precise analysis among environmental impact statements of coastal development projects until now. In this study, impact scopes of marine ecosystems correspond to physical impact predictions by undertaking projects. Impact ranges were divided into three(physical impact ranges) coastal waters. In case of proposing numbers of survey stations according to this survey ranges, numbers of investigation stations due to minimum survey scopes in targeted projects applied 20~30% of all numbers in survey stations. Number of survey stations due to average investigation scopes within physical impact ranges applied 60~70% of all numbers in investigation stations. Numbers of survey stations due to maximum survey ranges within physical impact scopes applied 10~20% of all numbers in survey stations. So, improvement measures were deducted. Finally, according to prediction ranges in impact of various coastal development projects, several kinds of conclusions are suggested. And, it is thought to be able to use as fundamental database to select investigation stations in marine organisms through this study.



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