Characteristics of Soil CO2 Efflux in Even-aged Alder Compared to Korean Pine Plantations in Central Korea

  • Kim, Yong Suk (Division of Forest Soil and Water Conservation, Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Yi, Myong Jong (Department of Forest Resources, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Yoon Young (Division of Forest and Park, Yeoju County Office) ;
  • Son, Yowhan (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Koike, Takayoshi (Silviculture and Forest Ecological Studies, Hokkaido University)
  • Received : 2012.09.07
  • Accepted : 2012.10.25
  • Published : 2012.11.30


We investigated the relationship between vegetation type and soil carbon dynamics in even-aged alder (Alnus hirsuta) and Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) plantations in central Korea. Both forests were located on the same soil parent material and occupied similar topographic positions. Soil $CO_2$ efflux in the two plantations was determined using a dynamic chamber method accompanied by measurements of soil moisture content and temperature. Mean soil temperature was similar in the two plantations, but mean soil water content was significantly higher in the alder plantation than in the pine plantation. In both plantations, seasonal patterns in soil $CO_2$ efflux exhibited pronounced variation that corresponded to soil temperature. Soil water content did not affect the seasonal variation in soil $CO_2$ efflux. However, in summer, when soil temperature was above $17^{\circ}C$, soil $CO_2$ efflux increased linearly with soil water content in the alder plantation. Estimated $Q_{10}$ was 3.3 for the alder plantation and 2.7 for the pine plantation. Mean soil respiration during the measurement period in the alder plantation was 0.43 g $CO_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1}$, which was 1.3 times higher than in the pine plantation (0.33 g $CO_2\;m^{-2}\;h^{-1}$). Higher soil $CO_2$ efflux in the alder plantation might be related to nitrogen availability, particularly the concentration of $NO_3{^-}$, which was measured using the ion-exchange resin bag method.



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