The Externality of an Unwelcomed Facility on the Nearby Multi-family Houses: A Case Study of Dangin-Ri Power Plant

기피시설이 인근 공동주택(연립, 다세대)에 미치는 외부효과 - 당인리 화력발전소를 사례로 -

  • Kim, Chul-Joong (Dept. of Urban Planning and Real Estate Studies, Graduate School of Dankook University) ;
  • Song, Myung-Gyu (School of Urban Planning and Real Estate Studies, Dankook University)
  • 김철중 (단국대학교 대학원 도시계획및부동산학과) ;
  • 송명규 (단국대학교 도시계획및부동산학부)
  • Received : 2011.08.11
  • Accepted : 2011.09.08
  • Published : 2011.10.31


The purpose of this paper is to estimate the external diseconomies of an unwelcomed facility on the nearby houses. The facility and the area studied are Dangin-Ri power plant in Mapo-Gu, Seoul and the residential district surrounding it respectively. The nearby housing prices have been changed according to the time and circumstances of the public announcements about the reconstruction or removal plans of the plant. These price changes are regarded as the capitalized values of the external diseconomies due to the plant. This study is based on the hedonic price theory in order to estimate the diseconomies in monetary value. The tools for the estimation are four models of multiple regression with the transaction price as the dependant variable and various housing characteristics including the external effects of the plant as the independent variables. The sample analyzed is 833 house transactions for the past 5 years in the research area. The facts found are as follows; First, the most suitable functional form for the estimation is confirmed to be the linear model. Second, there are significant differences in influence on the housing values among the independent variables, that is, locational characteristics, physical features, and environmental changes with time. Third, the external diseconomy is estimated as \80,137,807 in case that the plant would be reconstructed in the underground of the present site, whereon a substitutional public park would be constructed and as \59,142,248 in case that the plant would move away.



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