Wind Field Change Simulation before and after the Regional Development of the Eunpyeong Area at Seoul Using a CFD_NIMR_SNU Model

CFD_NIMR_SNU 모형을 활용한 은평구 건설 전후의 바람환경 변화 모사 연구

  • Cho, Kyoungmi (Applied Meteorology Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Koo, Hae-Jung (Applied Meteorology Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Kim, Kyu Rang (Applied Meteorology Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Choi, Young-Jean (Applied Meteorology Research Laboratory, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Korea Meteorological Administration)
  • 조경미 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과, 기상청) ;
  • 구해정 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과, 기상청) ;
  • 김규랑 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과, 기상청) ;
  • 최영진 (국립기상연구소 응용기상연구과, 기상청)
  • Received : 2011.06.22
  • Accepted : 2011.08.13
  • Published : 2011.08.31


Newly constructed, high-rise dense building areas by urban development can cause changes in local wind fields. Wind fields were analyzed to assess the impact on the local meteorology due to the land use changes during the urban redevelopment called "Eunpyeong new town" in north-western Seoul using CFD_NIMR_SNU (Computational Fluid Dynamics, National Institute of Meteorological Research, Seoul National University) model. Initial value of wind speed and direction use analysis value of AWS (Automatic Weather Station) data during 5 years. In the case of the pre-construction with low rise built-up area, it was simulated that the spatial distribution of horizontal wind fields depends on the topography and wind direction of initial inflow. But, in the case of the post-construction with high rise built-up area, it was analyzed that the wind field was affected by high rise buildings as well as terrain. High-rise buildings can generate new circulations among buildings. In addition, small size vortexes were newly generated by terrain and high rise buildings after the construction. As high-rise buildings act as a barrier, we found that the horizontal wind flow was separated and wind speed was reduced behind the buildings. CFD_NIMR_SNU was able to analyze the impact of high-rise buildings during the urban development. With the support of high power computing, it will be more common to utilize sophisticated numerical analysis models such as CFD_NIMR_SNU in evaluating the impact of urban development on wind flow or channel.



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