Study on Comparison of Global Biofuels Mandates Policy in Transport Sector

해외 주요국 수송용 바이오연료의 혼합의무 정책비교 분석 연구

  • 김재곤 (한국석유관리원 녹색기술연구소) ;
  • 임의순 (한국석유관리원 녹색기술연구소) ;
  • 정충섭 (한국석유관리원 녹색기술연구소)
  • Received : 2011.11.26
  • Accepted : 2011.12.23
  • Published : 2011.12.25


Biofuls are considered as an option to reduce greenhouse gases emission, increase energy supply diversity and security of supply, as well as an opportunity for job creation and rural development. First of all, biofuls technologies have been promoted as a means for reducing the carbon intensity of the transport sector. Hence, in the last decade biofuels production has been driven by governmental policies. The key instruments widely adopted to foster production and increase consumption have been mandatory blending targets, tax exemptions and sibsidies. As one of the most powerful instruments, biofuel mandates require fuel producers to produce a pre-defined amount (or share) of biofuels and blend them with petroleum fuel. National biofuels mandates are in place 35 countries and partially in place in 6 countries. In this study, we reviewed status of global biofuels policies to reduce greenhouse gases in the European Union, United States and other countires worldwide. Especially, we discussed representative biofuels mandates policies same as Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS, US), Renewable Transport Fules Obligation (RTFO, UK) in transport sector.



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