Development of a Theoretical Model for Predicting Contaminant Concentrations in a Multi-zone Work Environment

다구획 작업환경에서의 오염농도 예측을 위한 이론적 모델의 개발

  • Cho, Seok-Ho (Department of Environmental Administration, Catholic University of Pusan)
  • 조석호 (부산가톨릭대학교 환경행정학과)
  • Received : 2011.07.19
  • Accepted : 2011.12.19
  • Published : 2011.12.31


To predict contaminant concentrations within a multi-zone work environment, an air quality model in the work environment was developed. To do this, airflow equations on the basis of orifice equation were solved by using the Conte and De Boor scheme, and then equations for the conservation of mass on contaminant were solved by using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm. To validate the accuracy of simulated results, this model was applied to the controlled environment chamber that had been tested in 1998 by Chung KC. The comparison of predicted concentrations by this study with measured concentrations by the Chung KC indicated that the average deviations were 2.66, 3.35, and 3.15% for zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3, respectively. Also, this model was applied to a working plant with four zones. Thus, the results of contaminant concentration versus time were predicted according to the schedule of the openings operation, and case studies were done for four cases of the openings operation to investigate the interaction of airflow and contaminant concentration. The results indicated that opening operation schedules had a significant effect on contaminant removal efficiency. Therefore, this model might be able to apply for the design of ventilation schedules to control contaminants optimally.



Supported by : 부산카톨릭대학교


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