Hierarchical Leisure Constraints on Leisure Motivation and Participation among Security Agent

  • Kim, Kyong-Sik (Dept. of Sport and Leisure Studies Hoseo University) ;
  • Park, Young-Man (Dept. of Police and Security Service Yeo-ju Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2010.02.09
  • Accepted : 2010.06.16
  • Published : 2010.06.28


This research looks close the effect of security agent's hierarchical leisure constraint on the leisure motivation and participation based on the Jackson's Model of the hierarchical leisure constraints. This research selected 420 people for sampling, designating security agents who work for security companies located in Seoul in 2009 at present as subjects by utilizing purposive sampling method, but the number of sampling used for ultimate analysis is 356. In this research, reliability analysis's and structural equation modeling's Maximum Likelihood method are used to prove the reliability and validity of questionnaire. By using these research method and procedures, the conclusion of this research is as following. First, intra-personal leisure constraint was affected by interpersonal, structural leisure constraint. Second, leisure motivation was affected negatively by leisure constraint. Third, leisure participation was affected positively by leisure motivation. Synthesizing all things referred above, leisure constraint was affected by inter-personal, structural leisure constraint, and in turn, leisure motivation and leisure participation were affected by its effects. It turned out that leisure motivation has a meaningful effect on leisure participation through leisure participation and adjusting process.



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