A Study on the Sociological Approach on Sports, Social Capital and Healthy Society in Korea

  • Received : 2010.02.02
  • Accepted : 2010.06.04
  • Published : 2010.06.28


Social capital is regarded as the alternative plan and the index of healthy society for constructing social tie through solving social problems on the basis of causal relationship between sports, social capital, and healthy society, in order to accomplish sound society. The role of sports to construct healthy society and social capital is emphasized here. To accomplish healthy society amid various social deviations nowadays, the value of sports should be newly recognized and highlighted among the general public. To attain this purpose, organizing sports club as a voluntary association and facilitating its activities, securing confidence for the sports organization and policies, developing and popularizing sports program to form community and civil society should be embodied. The research field of sports sociology should inquire into the most suitable condition in constructing healthy society and social capital, and should make efforts to find out realistic solutions to satisfy this that purpose. To examine this aspect, cooperative research on micro scale and macro scale of trust as social capital interdisciplinary research into the field of psychology and sociology, research on the methodology of the social network, and critical research are required.



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