Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Spray Cast Cu-Sn-Ni-Si Alloy

가스분무주조 Cu-Sn-Ni-Si 합금의 미세조직 및 상온 인장성질

  • Kang, Hee-Soo (Advanced Metallic Materials Research Department, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology) ;
  • Lee, Eon-Sik (Advanced Metallic Materials Research Department, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology) ;
  • Lee, Gyu-Chang (Advanced Metallic Materials Research Department, Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology) ;
  • Baik, Kyeong-Ho (Department of Nanomaterials Engineering, Chungnam National University)
  • 강희수 (포항산업과학연구원 신금속연구본부) ;
  • 이언식 (포항산업과학연구원 신금속연구본부) ;
  • 이규창 (포항산업과학연구원 신금속연구본부) ;
  • 백경호 (충남대학교 나노소재공학과)
  • Received : 2010.10.28
  • Accepted : 2010.12.03
  • Published : 2010.12.28


In this study, Cu-10Sn and Cu-10Sn-2Ni-0.2Si alloys have been manufactured by spray casting in order to achieve a fine scale microstructure and high tensile strength, and investigated in terms of microstructural evolution, aging characteristics and tensile properties. Spray cast alloys had a much lower microhardness than continuous cast billet because of an improved homogenization and an extended Sn solid solubility. Spray cast Cu-Sn-Ni-Si alloy was characterized by an equiaxed grain microstructure with a small-sized (Ni, Si)-rich precipitates. Cold rolling of Cu-Sn-Ni-Si alloy increased a tensile strength to 1220 MPa, but subsequent ageing treatment reduced a ultimate tensile strength to 780 MPa with an elongation of 18%.



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