$Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_x$(BSCCO 2212) superconductors for current lead were fabricated by centrifugal melting process(CMP). BSCCO 2212 powder was melted at $1200^{\circ}\C$ in a resistance furnace using a Pt crucible and poured in a rotating cylindrical mold preheated at $550^{\circ}\C$ for 2 hour. The solidified BSCCO-2212 samples were heat-treated by partial melting process in oxygen atmosphere. The current-voltage curves at 77 K of the samples were obtained by transport measurement, and the microstructure was investigated by scanning electron microscope. The $J_c$ values at 77 K of the tubes partially melted at $840^{\circ}C,\;860^{\circ}C\;and\;880^{\circ}C$ were 492, 430 and 398 $A/cm^2$, respectively. It was observed that the plate-like grains in BSCCO 2212 tube was more developed in the sample heat-treated at $840^{\circ}C$. It was found that the critical current of the BSCCO 2212 samples was dependent on the partial melting schedule regarding the grain shape and size of the BSCCO 2212.