ITER TF 초전도 도체 개발과 특성

Development of ITER TF Cable-in-Conduit Conductors and Their Characteristics

  • 발행 : 2009.04.30


As a participant taking part in the ITER TF conductor R&D program, we developed two toroidal field conductors with variations of conduit thickness resulting in the different void fraction of the conductors. The estimated void fractions of the conductors are 31% and 33%. In this paper we present the details of the TF conductor development and performance test results of them carried out by the measurement of current sharing temperature under cyclic loading. Regarding the conductor development, the internal-Sn-processed $Nb_3Sn$ strand characteristics, strand cabling, twist pitch and characteristics of the conduit materials are presented. For the understanding of the conductor design and performance, the conductor test results are presented and the effect of the conductor design parameters such as void fraction and twist pitch is discussed based on the results.



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