Variation of Vitexin and Isovitexin Contents in Mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) Germplasms

녹두 유전자원의 Vitexin 및 Isovitexin 함량 변이

  • Kim, Dong-Kwan (Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Son, Dong-Mo (Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services) ;
  • Chon, Sang-Uk (EFARINET Co. Ltd., TBI Center, Chonsun University) ;
  • Lee, Kyung-Dong (Department of Oriental Medicine Materials, Dongshin University) ;
  • Rim, Yo-Sup (Collage of Bio Industry Science, Sunchon National University)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


In this study, the selected 789 lines having agronomic values out of over 2,500 mungbean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) germplasms, examined the 27 characters including hypocotyl color and leaf size of 401 lines in 2005 and of 388 lines in 2006, and analyzed the contents of vitexin and isovitexin in these mungbean germplasms. The average contents of vitexin and isovitexin in mungbean of the 401 lines used in 2005 were 8.71($1.1{\sim}13.4$) and 9.54($0.9{\sim}15.9$) mg/g, respectively, and the correlation coefficiency ($R^2$) of the contents of vitexin and isovitexin was 0.958. Nine lines including VC3890B were selected to be the ones containing high vitexin and isovitexin. The average contents of vitexin and isovitexin in mungbean of the 388 lines used in 2006 were 10.17($2.0{\sim}15.9$) and 10.64($0.2{\sim}17.6$) mg/g, respectively, and the correlation coefficiency ($R^2$) of the contents of vitexin and isovitexin was 0.958. Six lines including VC4096-2B-4-B-2-B were selected to be the ones containing high vitexin and isovitexin. The contents of vitexin and isovitexin were higher in the mungbean with larger leaves and longer ripening period out of the main characters.

2,500여 녹두 유전자원 중에서 작물학적 가치를 가진 789계통을 선발하고, 2005년과 2006년에 각각 401, 388계통을 대상으로 배축색, 엽 크기 등 27가지 형질특성을 조사하고 종실의 vitexin과 isovitexin 함량을 분석하였다. 2005년 시험에 이용된 401계통의 평균 vitexin과 isovitexin 함량은 각각 8.7($1.1{\sim}13.4$), 9.5($0.9{\sim}15.9$) mg/g이고, vitexin과 isovitexin 함량의 상관계수(R2)는 0.958었으며, VC3890B 등 vitexin과 isovitexin 고 함유 자원 9계통을 선발하였다. 2006년 시험에 이용된 388계통의 평균 vitexin과 isovitexin 함량은 각각 10.2($2.0{\sim}15.9$), 10.6 ($0.6{\sim}17.6$) mg/g이고, vitexin과 isovitexin 함량의 상관계수(R2)는 0.958었으며, VC 4096-2B-4-B-2-B 등 vitexin과 isovitexin 고 함유 자원 6계통을 선발하였다. 녹두 주요 형질 중에서 엽이 클수록, 등숙기간이 길수록 vitexin과 isovitexin 함량이 많은 경향이었다.



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