Study on Transplanting Cultural Methods of Turf Seedling : V. Growth Characteristics of Biennial Weeds in Lawn

잔디육묘 이식재배법에 관한 연구 : Ⅴ. 월년생 잡초의 특성

  • Lee, Myung-Sun (Department of Natural Resources & Plant Science, College of Life and Resources Science, Sang-Ji Univ.)
  • 이명선 (상지대학교 생명자원과학대학 자원식물학과)
  • Published : 2009.04.30


This study was carried out to investigate the classification and the growing characteristics of biennial weed species in a newly formed transplanting lawn grass land. Measuring size in the experimental plot was $1{\times}1m$ in the 9 different locations, and experimental design was randomized complete plot with 3 replications. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1) Weed species in a newly formed lawn field are consisted of 29.4% of Cruciferae, 29.4% of Compositae, 23.5% of Caryophyllaceae, 11.8% of Gramineae, and 5.9% of Labiatae family 2) Emerging percentage of weed species are consisted of 47.1% on October, 41.2% on November, 5.9% on both September and December, respectively. 3) Distribution rate about flowering time of weed species was in order of 58.5% on May, 23.5% on April, 11.8% on March, and 5.9% on June. 4) Weed species were grouped according to the plant height. It was observed that below 20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm and above 60cm of plant height were 23.5%, 47.1%, 17.6% and 11.8%, respectively.

실생묘 이앙으로 새로이 조성된 잔디밭에 발생되는 월년생 잡초의 종류 및 그 방제를 위한 특성을 조사한바 그 요지는 다음과 같다. 1. 발생잡초 종은 십자화과 및 국화과가 각각 29.4%이고, 석죽과 23.5%, 벼과 11.8%,꿀풀과 5.9%의 순위였다. 2. 발생 시기별로는 10월에 47.1%, 11월에 41.2%, 9월과 12월에 각각 5.9%를 나타내는 순위를 보인다. 3. 개화시기별로는 5월에 58.8%, 4월 23.5%, 3월 11.8%, 6월 5.9% 순위를 보였다. 4. 초장별로는 20-40 cm에 속하는 것이 47.1%, 20 cm 미만이 23.5%, 40-60 cm에 속하는 것이 17,6%, 60cm이상에 해당되는 것이 11.8%를 나타나고 있었다.



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