Historical Changes of Sediment Accumulation in Lake Shirarutoro Due to Land Use Development in the Forest Catchment, Kushiro Mire in Northern Japan

  • Ahn, Young-Sang (Division of Forest Restoration, Korea Forest Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2009.12.31


Eleven lake sediment core samples were obtained and analyzed to develop a chronology using $^{137}Cs$ (in 1963) and two tephra layers (Ko-c2 in 1694 and Ta-a in 1739). Sedimentation rates estimated for the past ca 300 years in Lake Shirarutoro indicated that catchment development has influenced the shallowing process in the lake by increasing sediment production. The sediment yield under initial land-use development conditions for the first two periods was estimated as 514 tons $yr^{-1}$ from 1694 to 1739 and 542 tons $yr^{-1}$ from 1739~1963. The development of the Shirarutoro catchment intensified in the 1960s with deforestation and agriculture activity leading to an increased sediment yield of 1261 tons $yr^{-1}$ after 1963. The sediment yields after intensified land use development, such as forestry and agricultural development, were about 2 times higher than that under initial development conditions, leading to accelerated lake shallowing over the last ca 50 years. Sedimentation rates differed with location in the lake because of spatial variation in the sediment flux from the contributing rivers and their catchments. The sedimentation rates before 1963 were low in all sites except for one site close to the Shirarutoroetoro River. The sedimentation rate in 1739~1963 was accumulated mostly at the inflow of the Shirarutoroetoro River by sediment production associated with forestry for charcoal production and initial agricultural development. The sedimentation rate after 1963 increased. In particular, the southern zone of the lake near the conjunction with the Kushiro River had a high sedimentation rate, which is attributable to sediment inflow back from the Kushiro River during floods.



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