제품과 서비스 통합을 위한 사례분석과 전략대응방안

Case Analysis and Strategic Impiications for Prod uct and Service Integration

  • 권순범 (국민대학교 경영대학 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2009.03.31


Manufacturers have recently faced such problems like limitation of product differentiation, product commoditization and increased service request level from customers, Some manufacturers have responded the problems by introducing new business model, 'product and service integrated offering', which integrate product and its services as a bundled package, This article introduces innovative 7 cases of 'product and service integrated offering', and provides case analyses : types, methods, purposes, and risks of integration, The result of analysis, 4 strategic directions for product and service integration offering, could help manufacturers to adopt and build their model successfully, Further research topics are field survey with meaningful sample size including Business-to-Consumer and finding new causal relationships among variables like characteristics of industry, product, Integration, interaction between provider and customer, A development of design methodology on how to plan and develope a sound product service integration is the second next step for the research.



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