북한이탈청소년의 학교중도탈락 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인

Factors Affecting School Drop-out Intention of North Korean Refugee Youth

  • Received : 2009.07.24
  • Accepted : 2009.09.12
  • Published : 2009.11.30


본 연구의 목적은 북한이탈 청소년의 학교중도탈락의 영향요인과 그 영향의 정도를 밝히고, 결과를 근거로 사회복지실천 개입전략과 정책적 제안을 마련하는 것이다. 성별, 학업성취역량 인식, 자아존중감, 학교 문화적응스트레스와 같은 개인내적 특성이 학교중도탈락의 주요 영향요인이며, 부모 양육의 질, 또래애착, 가족의 경제수준, 정착기간 등의 환경적 요인들은 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 결론에서 본 연구가 갖는 이론적 기여, 실천 정책적 함의에 대하여 논의하였다.

The purposes of this study were to investigate the factors that influence the school drop-out of North Korean refugee youth and to generate recommendations for social work practice and the resettlement policies of the government to ameliorate the high school drop-out rate among North Korean refugee youth. This study examined the effects of the environmental factors such as the quality of parenting practice, peer attachment and the kind of school a youngster attends, and personal characteristics such as self-respect and acculturation stress level, and academic efficacy on the school drop-out intention. Gender, duration of stay in Korea, family economic status were established as control variables. The drop-out intention was used as a proxy for drop-out behavior. The study findings indicate that the personal characteristics such as gender, self-respect and acculturation stress, academic efficacy were the significant influencing factors, whereas environmental factors such as quality of parenting, peer attachment did not exert any statistically significant effect on the drop-out intention. At the conclusion, the implications of the study findings for research, social work practice and the government policies were discussed.
