The Effects of Socio-cultural Attitudes Toward Appearance, Self-Esteem, and the Perception of Physical Attractiveness on Behaviors of Facial and Hair Care

외모에 대한 사회문화적 태도, 자아존중감, 신체매력 지각이 얼굴 및 헤어관리행동에 미치는 영향

  • Hwang, Yun-Jung (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Catholic University of Daegu) ;
  • Yoo, Tai-Soon (Dept. of Fashion Industry, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 황윤정 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션산업학과) ;
  • 유태순 (대구가톨릭대학교 패션산업학과)
  • Published : 2008.07.31


The purpose of this study is to research appearance management behaviors through their interests in appearance and the degree of their management among the undergraduates to research the effects of sociocultural attitudes toward appearance, self-esteem, and perceptive physical attractiveness on their face and hair management behaviors and to provide the effective data to form the marketing strategies for the beauty and fashion markets for the undergraduates. Total 900 questionnaires were distributed to the female/male undergraduates students in Daegu and Gyungbuk. 873 questionnaires out of 900 were collected and 825 questionnaires were selected as the final objects of this study. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, and Cronbach a were used to analyze the data using SPSS 12.0 statistics program. To examine the effects among variables, univariate analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The followings are the findings of analyzing and considering the research results through statistically processing each variable and those of the existing researches. 1. In terms of face management behaviors, internalization and awareness as sociocultural attitudes and social physical attractiveness among physical attractiveness perceptive showed positive effects. 2. In hair management behaviors, social physical and personal physical attractiveness out of physical attractiveness perceptive seemed to have positive effects.



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