Economic Injury Levels and Control Thresholds of pyrausta panopealis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on Perilla under Green-house

시설잎들깨 들깨잎말이명나방(Pyrausta panopealis)의 경제적 피해수준 및 요방제 수준

  • Choi, Yong-Seok (Bioenvironment Research Division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extention Services Yesan) ;
  • Park, Deok-Gi (Byeinsect Co. LTD., Kongju National Univ.) ;
  • Yun, Yeo-Uk (Bioenvironment Research Division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extention Services Yesan) ;
  • Hwang, In-Su (Bioenvironment Research Division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extention Services Yesan) ;
  • Shin, Sun-Mee (Bioenvironment Research Division, Chungnam Agricultural Research & Extention Services Yesan) ;
  • Choe, Kwang-Ryul (Department of Applied Biology, Chungnam National Univ.)
  • Published : 2008.06.30


Pyrausta panopealis is the major pest in green perilla. The larva weaves a web on the shoot of green perilla and damages. In case of extreme, The larva cuts the main branch of green perilla and the leaf of green perilla isn't harvested anymore. A field study was conducted to estimate economic injury levels (EILs) and control thresholds (CTs) for P. panopealis injuring green perilla in green-houses. Different densities of P. panopealis ranged from 1 to 20 crops (2 units per crop) per 100 crops on 13. June, early inoculation. The number of injured leaf and the rate of injured crop were increased by 23. June, on the other hand were decreased after that day. Also, the amount of yield sow the same result above. The economic loss time calculated by the ratio of cost managing this moth to market price (C/V) (C: cost managing a moth, V: Market price) was 4.0%. The economic injury level was 5.1 larval per 100 crops. The control thresholds calculated by 80% level of economic injury level was 4.1 larval per 100 crops.

들깨잎말이명나방(Pyrausta panopealis)은 잎들깨의 주요해충이다. 피해양상은 유충이 들깨신초 부위에서 거미줄을 치고 가해하는 양상을 보이며 심할 경우 대를 끊어 놓아 더 이상 수확을 할 수 없게 만든다. 이러한 들깨잎말이명나방의 경제적 피해수준과 요방제 수준 평가를 시설하우스에서 수행하였다. 다른 해충들의 피해를 피하기 위하여 망사케이지를 이용하여 시험구를 격리시켰다. 들깨잎말이명나방 유충의 접종밀도는 발생초기 100개의 잎들깨를 처리구로하여 100주당 $1{\sim}20$주에 주당 2마리씩 6월 13일에 접종하였다. 6월 23일까지 피해주율, 피해엽수은 증가하였으나 반면에, 6월 23일 이후에는 증가하였다. 수확량 또한 동일한 결과를 보였다. 시장가격에 대한 나방 방제비용의 비율로 계산된 경제적 손실 시점은 4.0%였다. 이때의 경제적 피해수준은 100주당 유충 5.1마리였으며, 경제적 피해수준은 80% 수준에서 설정된 요방제 수준은 100주당 유충 4.1마리였다.



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