외식업체 조직가치가 종사원의 직무만족과 조직몰입에 미치는 영향

A Study on Effects of Organization Value on Job Satisfaction and Organization Loyalty in the Foodservice Business

  • 민계홍 (전주대학교 문화관광대학 외식산업학과)
  • Min, Kye-Hong (Dept. of Foodservice Management, College of Culture and Tourism, Jeonju University)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


Competitions among domestic foodservice businesses get more intense as the presence of new competitors has rapidly increased. For the past decade, our domestic foodservice industry has shown outstanding growth and overcome poor industrial environments. The poor work conditions employees suffer from will cause negative effects on organization values and effectiveness. Although facing severe problems, most of foodservice businesses do not take aggressive counteraction to eliminate these issues. With this in mind, the study has been implemented to empirically investigate the effects of the foodservice business on organization values and organization effectiveness and then to utilize the findings of the study to develop various marketing strategies for the foodservice industry. The findings of the study were as follows: first, with respect to the effects among organization values, job satisfaction, and organization loyalty, the organization value was found to have positive effects both on job satisfaction, and organization loyalty. The findings demonstrated that the levels of job satisfaction and organization loyalty of employees may be increased by promoting organization values, as positive relationships were found between organization values, job satisfaction, and organization loyalty of employees. second, organization values were found to have a positive effect on organization loyalty. Therefore, job satisfaction should be considered as a key factor for achieving overall organizational loyalty of employees in the foodservice industry.



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