강제적으로 도입된 모바일 정보 시스템의 성공 : 직무 적합성의 역할

Mobile IS Success in Mandatory Usage Context : The Role of Compatibility with Work

  • 김용영 (서울대학교 경영대학 정보통신경영연구센터) ;
  • 안중호 (서울대학교 경영학과) ;
  • 양희동 (이화여자대학교 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


This study investigates the factors that influence the user's (postal workers') satisfaction with using PDAs in the Korea Postal Services. This study is concerned about the success of IS when employees are mandated to use IS to increase their productivity. The factors examined in this study include independent variables (information quality and system quality), dependent variables (perceived usefulness and user satisfaction), and mediator (compatibility with work). All these factors were found significant for causal relations. We especially notice the role of compatibility with work as full mediator.



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