온라인 피드백 메커니즘으로서 상품평 게시판의 지각된 효과성과 신뢰, 만족, 이용의도간의 관계구조분석

Analyzing the Relationships among Intention to Use, Satisfaction, Trust, and Perceived Effectiveness of Review Boards as Online Feedback Mechanism in Shopping Websites

  • 김승운 (전북대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 강희택 (전북대학교 산업경제연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Internet shopping websites have offered comfort to consumers in shopping and built trust relationships with them by providing electronic agents for recommendation, escrow services, and customer centers etc. But as there is little big difference among the shopping websites in terms of technical competence, website design, operational policy, they recognize online feedback (reviews or recommendation of consumers or experts) and online feedback mechanism as important marketing tools. Based on online feedback related studies, this study explores antecedents (consensus, vividness of reviews, interactions in review boards) of the perceived effectiveness of review boards which are text-based feedback mechanisms and its consequences such as trust, satisfaction, and intention to use. The results show that the perceived effectiveness of review boards is significantly affected by vividness of reviews and interactions in review boards, and the impact of interaction in review boards on the perceived effectiveness of review boards is stronger than that of vividness of reviews. The results also show that the perceived effectiveness of review boards has a significant influence on trust and satisfaction with the shopping websites, and intention to use is influenced by both trust and satisfaction.



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