한국어 자음군의 후행모음에 나타난 발성유형의 음향음성학적 연구

An Acoustic Study of Phonation Types in Vowels Following Consonant Clusters in Korean

  • 박한상 (홍익대학교 사범대학 영어교육과)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


This study investigates phonation types of Korean obstruents associated with the vowels immediately following singletons or geminates in intervocalic positions. F0, H1-H2, and spectral tilt were measured from the 20 ms segment at the onset of the vowels for the tokens of /paCa/ and /paCCa/, where Cs are of the same manner and place of articulation. The results showed a remarkable change in the values of F0, H1-H2, and spectral tilt as the preceding obstruents shifts from the lenis singletons to the lenis geminates, which suggests that the spectral characteristics of the vowels following the lenis geminates are not different from those of the vowels following fortis singletons or geminates. Significantly enough, this study adds data about the spectral characteristics of Korean phonation types.
