제주 문화상품 갈옷의 패턴 그레이딩 DB를 위한 기초 연구

Foundational Research for DB of Pattern Grading of Galot, Jeju Cultural Merchandise

  • 발행 : 2007.01.30


By examining the existing Galot products in the market, we aimed to discover areas for new development and lay out the foundational system for establishing a database(DB) of their pattern grading. For the analysis, the team focused mainly on Galot in forms of casual korean traditional clothes, since they have the largest market share. The main accomplishments from this research are as follows. First, because adult females are the largest segment to consider in deciding the size system for grading, we selected three sizes that have to be compatible with the KS Clothing Standardized Sizing. Second, for basic pattern grading, we applied the reference size indicated in KS Clothing Standardized Size, and also used half dart sloper and dartless sloper. Third, we categorized designs according to the presence or absence of a dart, the structure of closure, and the shape of the sleeve and neck. We indicated the grading points with numbers and body area in Korean to make it easier for the users to understand when using the computer system and doing manual work. To further increase the user convenience, we provided diagrams for categorized designs, pattern grading layout, and a table for calculated grading points variation.



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