Asian Oncology Nursing (종양간호연구)
- Volume 6 Issue 1
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- Pages.47-53
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- 2006
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- 2287-2434(pISSN)
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- 2287-447X(eISSN)
Effects of Education for Safe Handling of Cytotoxic Drugs on Knowledge and Practice in Oncology Nurses
항암제 안전관리 교육이 간호사의 안전관리 수칙 지식 및 실천에 미치는 효과
- Hong, Su-Youn (St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University, Seoul, Korea) ;
- Cho, Eun-Jung (St. Mary's Hospital, The Catholic University, Seoul, Korea) ;
- Yoo, Yang-Sook (College of Nursing, The Catholic University)
- Published : 2006.02.28
Purpose: The present study explored the effects of education for safe handling of cytotoxic drugs on knowledge and practice in nurses. Method: Data were collected using a single group with pre and posttest design from 59 nurses at medical and surgical wards in C university hospital from April to June 2005. Questionnaires on the knowledge and practice of the guidelines for safe handling of cytotoxic drugs were asked to complete before and after the education. Result: The education improved nurses' knowledge and practice of the guidelines for safe handling of cytotoxic drugs. The knowledge and practice had a significant positive correlation. Conclusion: These findings show that the education for safe handling of cytotoxic drugs improved the knowledge and practice of nurses. As the knowledge of the guidelines for safe handling of cytotoxic drugs makes a positive association with the practice, it is thought to be required to enhance the education program for nurses.