Redescription of Previously Unknown Euplotine Ciliates, Euplotes charon and Diophrys oligothrix (Ciliophora: Spirotrichea: Euplotida), from Korea

  • Kwon, Choon-Bong (Department of Biological Science, College of Natural Sciences, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Shin, Mann-Kyoon (Department of Biological Science, College of Natural Sciences, University of Ulsan)
  • 발행 : 2006.05.01


Two ciliates of suborder Euplotina collected from the two habitats (estuarine littoral and sewage treatment plant) in Ulsan, Korea were Euplotes charon ($M\ddot{u}ller$, 1773) and Diophrys oligothrix Borror, 1965. These two species are reported for the first time from Korea. The description was based on the observation of living and silver impregnated specimens. Diagnostic characteristics of these species are as follows. E. charon: size in vivo about $90-130\times65-80{\mu}m$, adoral zone of membranelles over 79.5% of cell length with 54-80 adoral membranelles; right margin of the peristome shaped sinusoidal form and passed through adoral zone of membranelles; buccal cavity wide anteriorly; 10 frontoventral, 5 transverse, 4 caudal cirri, 12 dorsal kineties, mid-dorsal kinety with 21 -25 dorsal bristles; silver-line system double-eurystomus type. D. oligothrix: size in vivo about $80-90\times30-70{\mu}m$; body shape ovoid with prominent right concave posterio-lateral end, two irregular elongated macronuclei with one micronucleus, respectively; 7 fronto-ventral, 5 transverse, 2 left marginal and 2 caudal cirri, 4 dorsal kineties with prominent bristles about $9-14{\mu}m$ long in vivo.



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