팀 구성원들의 문화적 이질성과 과업복잡성이 팀 상호작용 프로세스에 미치는 영향

Effects of Cultural Difference and Task Complexity on Team Interaction Process

  • 남창수 (아칸소대학교 산업공학과) ;
  • Nam, Chang-S. (Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas) ;
  • Thomas, Krystal (Human Effectiveness Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.31


Although several theories and models have been proposed to explain the effects of cultural differences in team decision making, many aspects of team decision-making in multi-cultural contexts such as team performance, team communication, and team cognition still remain unclear. In particular, little attention has paid to the empirical studies on team processes multi-cultural team members use to interact with each other to accomplish the task in different task environments. To investigate the effects of culture and task characteristics on team decision making behavior in multi-cultural contexts, this study compared culturally homogenous and heterogeneous groups in the context of logistics decision making. Results of the study showed that cultural difference and task complexity may affect team performance as well as team interaction process to varying degree.



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