노인을 위한 욕실 위생기기의 계획지침 연구

A Study on the Guidelines for the Bathroom Fixtures of the Aged

  • 김현지 (경희대학교 대학원 주거환경) ;
  • 오혜경 (경희대학교 주거환경)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The purpose of this study was to provide a guideline for the bathroom fixtures of the aged by examining current status. The study has been carried out by measuring physical size of 50 aged peoples over 65 years old and their bathroom fixture status. The results were revealed as follows; 1. The height of washstand is $0.46\~0.52$ time of person's height. Adequate height of wash stand is proposed as $74\~80$ cm. The height of current market available wash stand is very close to the proposed size. 2. The height of toilet is $0.23\~0.27$ time of person's height. Adequate height of toilet is proposed as $38\~41$ cm. The height of current market available toilet is also very close to the proposed size. 3. The height of bathtub is $0.26\~0.35$ time of person's height. Adequate height of bath tub is proposed as $45\~49$ cm. The proposed height is higher than that of current bath tub available in the market. However, it should be noted that the proposed height is the sum of bath tub it self and elevation during actual installation. As stated above, it is revealed that the physical dimensions of the bathroom fixtures in the current market are properly sized. However, to draw more practical guideline for the bathroom fixture, more studies including actual experimentation will be required in the future.



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