현대 건축 디자인에서의 생물학적 형태의 적용에 관한 연구

A Study on the Application of Biomorphism on Contemporary Architectural Design

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The new aspect of contemporary architectural design is the computer simulation of morphogenesis and evolution of the organic body. Morphogenesis and evolution is the kind of emergence that is the process of complex pattern formation from simpler rules in complex system. The development comprises the sequence of pattern formation, differentiation, morphogenesis, growth. This study analyzes the application methodology of various biomorphism in contemporary architecture. The methods of generative application by computation in architecture are self-organization, differentiation, growth algorithm via MoSS. And the methods of evolution by computation are genetic algorithm, multi-parameter in environments, phylogenetic cross-over, competing as natural selection, mutation+external constraints, generative algorithm+genetic algorithm via Genr8.



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