Transcriptional Features of the Chromosomal Region Located between the sigH and rplA Genes of Bacillus subtilis

  • Jeong, Sang-Min (Department of Physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University)
  • Published : 2006.04.30


In this study. the transcriptional features of a 2.8 kb region spanning the sigH and rplA genes of Bacillus subtilis were clarified using synthetic oligonucleotides complementary to the transcripts of the rpmG, secE, nusG, and rplK genes. The 5' ends of three transcripts corresponding to this region were located and mapped on the chromosome via primer extension analysis. Three regions, designated Prg, Pn, and Prk, which partially share the consensus sequence recognized by ${\sigma}^A$ RNA polymerase, were theorized to function as promoter elements. The rpmG and secE genes of B. subtilis were cotranscribed from the designated prg promoter, whereas the nusG and rplK genes were transcribed separately from the Pn and Prk promoters, respectively. Accordingly, the transcriptional features, as well as the gene organization, of the region encompassing the sigH and rplA genes of B. subtilis, including the rpmG-secE-nusG-rplK genes, were determined to be distinct from those of Escherichia coli. Divergences in terms of gene organization and transcriptional features within the relevant region would serve as excellent criteria for the delineation of phylogenetic relationships among bacteria.



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