공동주택 구성재의 경제적 수선형태 설정 연구

A Study on the Economic Repair Pattern of the Building Components in the Apartment Housing

  • 발행 : 2006.10.25


Building components have been deteriorated by various factors such as location, a building type, a surrounding environment and so on. In addition, each component has a peculiar characteristics, compared with other components in properties of matter an used part. Building components would be required to maintain its function and performance to provide the resident with a decent living condition. It is important to decide the repair time, scope and a required cost in repair plan, considering the each component's characteristics. In this parer, it aimed at providing the economic repair pattern to analyze the relation of the time-elapse and the cumulative repair cost in the apartment housing using 3rd quadratic function. Results of the study are as follows: First, the shape of the function for the economic repair is classified into two type. One is the continuous increase type of the cumulative cost which properly means the iterative repair type after built. The other is that the function has the maximum state at a point which means one-repair after its repair would be delayed to a scheduled time. Second, the iterative repair pattern would include window, roof proof, lighting and water supply pipe. The other repair pattern would include the paintings, heating pipe and sign board.



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