Volumetric NURBS Representation of Multidimensional and Heterogeneous Objects: Modeling and Applications

VNURBS기반의 다차원 불균질 볼륨 객체의 표현: 모델링 및 응용

  • Published : 2005.09.01


This paper describes the volumetric data modeling and analysis methods that employ volumetric NURBS or VNURBS that represents heterogeneous objects or fields in multidimensional space. For volumetric data modeling, we formulate the construction algorithms involving the scattered data approximation and the curvilinear grid data interpolation. And then the computational algorithms are presented for the geometric and mathematical analysis of the volume data set with the VNURBS model. Finally, we apply the modeling and analysis methods to various field applications including grid generation, flow visualization, implicit surface modeling, and image morphing. Those application examples verify the usefulness and extensibility of our VNUBRS representation in the context of volume modeling and analysis.



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