Volumetric NURBS Representation of Multidimensional and Heterogeneous Objects: Concepts and Formation

VNURBS기반의 다차원 불균질 볼륨 객체의 표현: 개념 및 형성

  • Published : 2005.09.01


This paper proposes a generalized NURBS model, called Volumetric NURBS or VNURBS for representing volumetric objects with multiple attributes embedded in multidimensional space. This model provides a mathematical framework for modeling complex structure of heterogeneous objects and analyzing inside of objects to discover features that are directly inaccessible, for deeper understanding of complex field configurations. The defining procedure of VNURBS, which explains two directional extensions of NURBS, shows VNURBS is a generalized volume function not depending on the domain and its range dimensionality. And the recursive a1gorithm for VNURBS derivatives is described as a computational basis for efficient and robust volume modeling. In addition, the specialized versions of VNURBS demonstrate that VNURBS is applicable to various applications such as geometric modeling, volume rendering, and physical field modeling.



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