가족의 건강성과 학령기 아동의 자아탄력성

Family Strengths and Ego-Resilience of School-Aged Children

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


This study entered the relationship between family strengths and ego-resilience of school-aged children. The Family Strengths Scale is composed of four factors; family commitment, family communication, family values and family crisis coping strategies. The participants were 392 mothers with school-aged children. The main results were as follows; First, the degree of family strengths was generally high. Family commitment was the highest and family values was the lowest among the four factors. Second, the degree of ego-resilience of school-aged children reported by the mothers was also generally high. Finally, two factors of family strengths, that are, family communication and family values, had positive influences on ego-resilience of children.. The implications of this study were discussed.



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