홍어 장점막 점액의 조직화학적 성상에 관한 연구

Histochemical Properties Study on the Mucosubstances of the Intestinal Mucosa in the Raja kenojei

  • 주경웅 (광주보건대학 임상병리과)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.31


This study is performed in order to clarify the histochemical structure, the distribution of mucous cell and goblet cell, and the histochemical properties of the mucosubstances in the middle region of intestinal mucosa and rectum of Raja kenojei. In the H&E stain, distribution of the mucous cells and acidophilic cells were a more compacted middle portion than other regions of intestine, but the former was more than the latter in the number of mucous cells to rectum. The mucosubstances were stained with aldehyde fuchsin pH 1.7-alcian blue(pH 2.5) stain and then compared to distribution of the mucosubstances used in image and microscope technology(IMT-Size5). The middle intestine of Raja kenojei was composed of mucous cells having only large amounts of mucosubstances in the distal region was much more than that of proximal region. It was two types of mucous cells to rectum, one type was the same as proximal intestine while the other had small amounts of weakly sulfated and large amounts of carboxylated mucins.
