- Williams Obstetrics(21th ed.) Cunningham FG(et al.)
- Preventing Postpartum Weight Retention Nicole, P.S.
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- Int J Obesity v.20 Timing of weight gain during pregnancy:promoting fetal growth and minimizing maternal weight retention S K Muscati;K fray-Donald;K G Koski
- Obs & Gyn v.71 Postpartum weight change:How much weight gain in pregnancy will be lost after delivery? Greene, G.W.(et al.)
- Clinical physiology in obstetrics Hytten F;Chamberlain G
- Am J Public Health v.83 Pregnancy related weight gain and retention: Implications of the 1990 institute of medicine guidelines Keppel, K.G.;Taffel, S.M.
- Am J Clin Nutr. v.49 Postpartum changes in maternal weight and body fat depots in lactating vs nonlactating women Brewer, M.M.;Bates, M.R.;Vannoy, L.P.
- J Am Board Fam Pract. v.14 Postpartum weight loss and infant feeding Haiek LN;Kramer MS;Ciampi A;Tirado R
- Am J Clin Nutr. v.66 Lactation and weight retention Janney CA;Zhang D;Sowers M
- J Nutr. v.128 no.2 suppl. Body composition changes during lactation are highly variable among women Butte NF;Hopkinson JM
- Obstet Gynecol. v.82 The effect of pregnancy weight gain on later obesity Lederman SA
- Obstet Gynecol. v.86 Gestational weight gain, pregnancy outcome, and postpartum weight retention Scholl TO;Hediger ML;Schall JI;Ances IG;Smith WK
- Annals of Behavioral Medicine v.26 no.2 The Role of Postpartum Weight Retention in Obesity Among Women: A Review of the Evidence Stacy A. Gore;Della M. Brown;Delia Smith West
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- J Nurse Midwifery v.40 Weight change in the postpartum period: a review of the literature Crowell DT
- Metabolism v.42 Impact of regional and total body composition and hormones on resting energy expenditure in overweight postmenopausal womwn Svendsen OL;Hassager C;Christionsen C
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- NEJM v.337 no.6 Obesity Michael R;Rudolph L;Jules H
- 비만크리닉 지침 김상만
- Nutrition during pregnancy: summary Subcommittee on Nutritional Status and Weight Gain during Pregnancy;Subcommittee on Dietary Intake and Nutrient Supplements during Pregnancy;Committee on Nutritional Status during Pregnancy and Lactation; Food and Nutrition Board;Institute of Medicine (U.S.)
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- Manual of clinical problems in cardiology L.David Hillis;Richard AL;Peter JW;Michael DW