Weight change in the postpartum period

출산 후 체중 변화에 대한 고찰 -산후 부종과 산후 비만-

  • 이동규 (포천중문의과대학교 한의학교실) ;
  • 장경호 (포천중문의과대학교 한의학교실) ;
  • 송화숙 (포천중문의과대학교 한의학교실) ;
  • 김상우 (포천중문의과대학교 한의학교실)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


Weight change in the postpartum period is a dominant concern of new mothers recently. Postpartum weight retention has important public health implications as well, because retention of gestational weight can be a significant contributor to longterm obesity and associated health risks. As traditional medical practitioners have managed some problems from postpartum weight retention, use some terms translated in Korean like as postpartumedema, obesity. But those have been not given any discuss objective and with evidences for nomenclature. Now reports review normal postpartum weight loss patterns, as well as risk factors for weight retention, ancient literatures, so practitioners can assist their patients in achieving a healthy postpartum weight.



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