Characterizing of Four Obesity Types in Obese Women Based on the Questionnaire of Diseases and Physical Tests

여성 비만의 유발유형별 일반 증상과 검사 특성 연구

  • 진승희 (남가주 한의과대학 진단학과) ;
  • 최경미 (홍익대학교 과학기술대학) ;
  • 박영배 (경희대학교 한의과대학 진단ㆍ생기능의학과학교실)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


Objectives : To characterize four types of obesity and to effectively improve the treatment of obesity through Oriental medicine Methods : At 00 Oriental Medical Center, 203 female subjects who intented to lose weight were requested to complete a questionnaire. These participants were also given physical tests. The Questionnaire consisted of questions both about general life style and obesity in oriental medicine framework. The physical tests were blood tests, a body composition via Inbody 2.0, and physical strength tests. One-way analysis of variance was done to compare the means of items and physical tests between four types of obesity. Duncan was used by post hoc test. Results : 1. Significant differences between obesity type III and obesity type IV in ever tried to lose weight, childhood obesity and excercise times were observed in the questionnaire of general life style(p<0.05). 2. Ducan test showed significant differences between four obesity types in diseases (p<0.05). 3. Significant differences between four obesity types in height, % body fat muscular endurance, soft lean mass, fat mass, Trigliceride, Total cholesterol and ${\gamma}-GTP$ were observed (p<0.05). Conclusions : Further clinical research is necessary in the four types of obesity explored. The diagnosis and treatment based on these types should be further studied.



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