- 四川中醫 no.8 肥반症的辨證分型治療 趙懷琮
- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. v.26 no.SUP.2 Pathways to obesity Jequier E
- Pediatrics v.101 The physiology of body weight regulation: relevance to the etiology of obesity in children Rosenbaum M;Leibel, R.L.
- Hum Biol. v.63 no.1 Inheritance of extreme overweight in black families Ness R;Laskarzewski P;Price, R.A.
- Hum Biol. v.62 no.6 Common major gene inheritance of extreme overweight Price, R.A.;Ness R;Laskarzewski P
- Expert Opin Biol Ther. v.3 no.7 The therapeutic potential of interleukin-6 in treating obesity Wallenius K;Jansson, J.O.;Wallenius V
- Endocrinology v.144 no.10 Functional characterization of melanocortin-4 receptor mutations associated with childhood obesity Tao, Y.X.;Segaloff, D.L.
- Am J Clin Nutr. v.78 no.4 Physical activity and weight loss: does prescribing higher physical activity goals improve outcome? Jeffery, R.W.;Wing, R.R.;Sherwood, N.E.;Tate, D.F.
- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. v.27 no.10 Health-related quality of life in obese outpatients losing weight with very-low-energy diet and behaviour modification-a 2-y follow-up study Kaukua J;Pekkarinen T;Sane T;Mustajoki P
- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. v.27 no.10 Clinical and cost effectiveness of surgery for morbid obesity: a systematic review and economic evaluation Clegg A;Colquitt J;Sidhu M;Royle P;Walker A
- Am J Intern Med v.113 The cost-effectiveness of bariatric surgery Fang J
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- 체질량지수와 연관한 비만관련 질환 유병율 연구를 통한 한국인 비만기준 설정 및 비만관리전략 평가 인제대학교 상계백병원
- 비만의 역학 강재헌
- Ann Intern Med. v.138 no.5 Intentional weight loss and death in overweight and obese U.S. adults 35 years of age and older Gregg, E.W.;Gerzoff, R.B.;Thompson, T.J.;Williamson, D.F.
- Occup Med(Lond). v.53 no.3 Demographic and lifestyle predictors of body mass index among offshore oil industry workers: cross-sectional and longitudinal findings Parkes, K.R.
- Am J Clin Nutr. v.77 no.5 Alcohol, body weight, and weight gain in middle-aged men Wannamethee, S.G.;Shaper, A.G.
- 五臟病證 辨證에 關한 方法論 硏究 高炳熙
- 辨證診斷學 朴英培;金泰熙
- Acta Paediatr Hung. v.28 no.1 Changes in body composition and serum lipid fractions after four weeks of slimming treatment: results in nineteen obese male adolescents Hermelo, M.P.;Alonso A;Amador M;Alvarez R
- Rinsho Byori. v.41 no.3 A study on medical examination items added to periodic health examination as a result of amendment of the Ordinance on Occupational Safety and Health Takubo T;Shimizu A
- Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. v.27 no.8 Intra-abdominal obesity and metabolic risk factors: a study of young adults Eyben, F.E.;Mouritsen E;Holm J;Montvilas P;Dimcevski G;Suciu G;Helleberg I; Kristensen L;von Eyben R
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- 성인남녀 정상인과 비만인의 체격, 체력, 신체조성 및 심,폐기능 비교연구 강태석
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- 東醫寶鑑 許俊
- Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr v.114 no.1-2 Investigations on the usefulness of the dry chemistry blood anaylsis system SPOTCHEM SP-4410in laboratory diagnosis of cattle Lorenz I;Aigner M;Klee W
- Rinsho Byori. v.49 no.4 Influences of uncommon isoenzymes on determination of alkaline phosphatase activity by dry-chemistry analyzers Tozawa T;Hashimoto M
- 한글 SPSS 10.0에 의한 조사방법 및 통계분석 노형진
- 마케팅조사방법론 임종원;박형진;강명수
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- 新編黃帝內經綱目 李琴庸
- Am J Gastroenterol. v.98 no.9 Cost-Effectiveness of Gastric Bypass for severe obesity Craug, B.M.;Tseng, D.S.