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- J Public Health Med v.21 no.2 The prevalence of stroke and associated disability O’Mahany, P.G.;Thomson, R.G.;Dobson R;Rodgers H;James, O.F.
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- Stroke v.27 no.3 Stroke incidence, prevalence, and survival: secular trends in Rochester, Minnesota, through 1989 Brown, R.D.;Whinsnant, J.P.;Sicks, J.D.;O’Fallon, W.M.;Wiebers, D.O.
- 제9회 국제동양의학학술대회발표논문집(9th ICOM) A comparison Between Stroke Patients Admitted to Oriental Hospital in the years 1987 and 1994 김영석;문상관;고창남;조기호;배형섭;이경섭
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- J Altern Complement Med. v.3 no.4 Neurological rehabilitation: acupuncture and laser acupuncture to treat paralysis in stroke, other paralytic conditions, and pain in carpal tunnel syndrome Naeser, M.A.
- Trends Pharmacol Sci. v.20 no.5 Stroke therapy in traditional chinese medicine: prospectis for drug discovery and development Gong X;Sucher, N.J.
- Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi v.108 no.1 Shichimotsu-koka-to prevent stroke and changes free-radical-related enzyme in stroke: prone spontaneously hypertensive rats(SHRSP) Higuchi Y;Yamashita K;Taniyama K;Satake M;Ozaki M
- J Tradit Chin Med. v.12 no.3 Progress of research on ischemic stroke treated with chinese medicine Keji C;Jun S
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- 경희의학 v.12 no.2 한방병원 심계내과 입원환자에 대한 임상연구 권도익;고창남;조기호;김영석;배형섭;이경섭
- 사상의학회지 v.13 no.3 양격산화탕이 Allergy성 접촉피부염에 미치는 영향 조세왕;박성식
- 한의학회지 v.20 no.2 지주막하출혈에 의한 뇌기저동맥의 형태학적 변화에 미치는 양격산화탕의 효과 이동원;이원철
- 사상의학회지 v.10 no.2 소양인 양격산화탕과 인동등지골피탕 및 숙지황고삼탕이 Alloxan 투여 고혈당 백서에 미치는 영향 최병일;송일병
- 한의학회지 v.17 no.2 양격산화탕이 Gold thioglucose로 유발된 백서의 비만증에 미치는 효과 박재형;김경요;전병훈
- Stroke v.28 no.6 Perspectives of stroke in persons living in Seoul, South Korea: A survey of 1000 subjects Kim, J.S.;Yoon, S.S.
- 한방재활의학회지 v.7 no.1 Modified Barthel Index, NIH Stroke Scales, PULSES Profile을 이용한 뇌졸중 환자의 평가 박주영;임형호
- Lancet v.349 no.9045 Progression of ischemic stroke and exitotoxic aminoacids Castillo J;Noya M
- Stroke v.30 no.6 Progression in acute stroke: value of the initial NIH stroke scale score on patient stratification in further trials DeGraba, T.J.;Hallenbeck, J.M.;Pettigrew, K.D.;Dutka, A.J.;Kelly, B.J.
- Arch Neurol. v.53 no.7 Significant progression of white matter lesions and small deep infarcts in patients with stroke Van Zugten M;Boiten J;Kessels F;Lodder J
- Nippon Rinsho v.51 Prognosis in patients with transient ischemic attacks:progress rate to complete stroke Nakazawa M;Kitahama T