Integrating computer-aided design with computer-aided fabrication and construction will fundamentally redefine the relationship between design and construction. Rapid prototyping(RP) is evaluated as one of the integration method available but it has been regarded as very expensive and complex design evaluation tool and is only suitable for large mechanical design shops in automobile and aerospace industry. However current status of rapid prototyping is changing since the new generation of RP equipment, less expensive and more user-friendlier, now can be installed and use in design firms. Simultaneously increasing use of 3D CAAD software is also helping to use rapid prototyping widely. It is crucial to acknowledge rapid prototyping technologies are not only for avant-garde architect such as Frank O. Gehry but ordinary 90% architects, who can have benefit from fast and cost-effective technology. With its fast development and adaptation in architectural industry, it is quite necessary to include rapid prototyping education in regular CAAD courses either undergraduate or graduate level.