- Joining of Advanced Materials Messler,R.W.
- Materials and Design v.23 Selection of Joining Methods In Mechanical Design Lebacq,C.;Brechet,Y.;Shercliff,H.R.;Jeggy,T.;Salvo,L.
- Business Week
- General Electric Aircraft Engines National Institute of Standard dTechnology Annual Review on FIPER FIPER
- NSF IUCRC for e-Design: Strategic Planning Meeting Pegasus
- CATLA, Version 5 Release 9 CATOA, Tolerance Analysis for Flexible Assembly Training Material
- ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering Welding Distortion Minimization for an Aluminum Alloy Extruded Beam Structure Using a 2D Model Nnaji,B.O.;Gupta,D.;Kim,K.Y.
- Distortion, and their Consequences Analysis of Welded Structures: Residual Stresses Masubuchi,K.
- Jr. of Manufacturing Systems v.16 no.1 Optimum Design Based on Mathematical Model and Neural Network to Predict Weld Parameters for Fillet Joints Moon,H.S.;Na,S.J.
- Welding Journal Welding Distortion of a Thin-Plate Panel Structure Tsai,C.L.;Park,S.C.;W.T.Cheng
- AIAA Journal v.38 no.1 Boundary Correction Factors for Elliptical Surface Cracks Emanating from countersunk Rivet Holes Rahman,A.(et al.)
- Proc. IFIP WG 5.10 on Virtual Environments and their Applications and Virtual Prototyping Virtual Prototypes and Product Models in Mechanical Engineering Pratt,M.J.
- Int. Jr. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology v.15 Rapid Prototyping versus Virtual Prototyping in Product Design and Nanufacturing Chua,C.K.;Teh,S.H.;Gay,R.K.L.
- Int. Jr. of CIM v.14 no.1 A CGI-based Approach for Remotely Executing Large Program for Integration of Sesign and Manufacture Over the Internet Su,D.;Amin,N.
- Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Design Technical Conferences:DETC2001/CIE-21290 Vehicle Analysis Using an Agent-based Analysis Tools Framework Gee,K.
- Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Design Technical Conferences: DETC2001/CIE-21283 Net informational and Computational System for CFD Researchers Goriatchev,V.(et al.)
- Engineering with Computers v.13 A Data Management Model for Collaborative Design in a CAD Environment Krishnamurthy,L.;Law,K.H.
- Journal of Management in Engineering v.15 no.1 Web-centric Systems: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Engineering Rojas,E.M.;Songer,A.D.
- Integrated Manufacturing Systems v.11 no.4 An Agent System for Collaborative version Control in Engineering Florida-James,B.;Rossiter,N.Chao,K.M.
- Communication of ACM v.39 no.9 Madefast: Colloaborative Engineering over the Internet Cutkosky,M.R.;Tenenbaum,J.M.;Glicksman,J.
- Shared Engineering with OneSpace from CoCreate Mueller,A.
- PTC Windchill Pro/INTERLINK Datasheet PTC
- Collaborative Product Modeling on the Internet Godh,R.
- Journal of Manufacturing Systems v.15 no.6 CyberCut: A World Wide Web Based Design-to-fabrication Tool Smith,C.S.;Wright,P.K.
- Concurrent Engineering Research and Applications v.5 no.4 Integration of Downstream Actors in the Design Process Using a Dedicated Expert CAD Tool for forged Parts Boujut,J.F.Tichkiewitch,S.;Blanco,E.
- Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing v.14 no.1 Development of a Collaborative CAD/CAM System Kso,Z.C.;Lin,G.C.I.
- Computer-Aided Design v.35 Development of an Internet=enabled Interactive Fixture Design System Mervyn,F.;Kumar,S.A.;Bok,S.H.;Nee,A.Y.C.
- PEGASUS: A Service-Oriented Product Design and Realization Engineering System Over the Internes Nnaji,B.O.;Wang,Y.;Kim,K.Y.;Muogboh,O.S.
- 2002 International iSIGHT Users' Conference and FIPER Workshop Washington,D.C.
- The Special Issue of the Computer Aided Design on Distributed CAD Design Formalism for Collaborative Assembly Design Kim,K.Y.;Wang,Y.;Muogboh,O.S.;Nnaji,B.O.
- Engineering with Computers v.14 Integrating Engineering Design and Analysis Using a Multi-representation Approach Peak,R.S.;Fulton,R.E.;Nishigaki,I.;Okamoto,N.
- Engineering witn Computers v.14 High-level Operations Dedicated to the Integration of Mechanical Analysis within a Design Process Remondini,L.;Leon,J.C.;Trompette,P.
- CORBA 3: fundamentals and programming (2nd ed.) Siegel,J.
- Mechanical Engineering v.113 no.5 Contour: The Shape of Cars to Come? Ashley,S.
- Heat Effects of Welding Radaj,D.
- Trans. of the Society of CAD/CAM Engineers v.6 no.3 Internet-based Remote Cooperative Ship Design System Lee,K.;Lee,S.;Lee,J.