모의실험을 통한 두 처리군간 치료율 비교방법 연구

Simulation Study for Statistical Methods in Comparing Cure Rates between Two Groups

  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


임상시험중에는 소아암연구에서와 같이 환자 중의 상당수에서 사망 또는 재발이 오랜 기간 일어나지 않고 완치된 것으로 보이는 경우가 있다. 이 경우 연구자는 생존함수의 전반적인 비교보다는 치료율의 비교에 더 관심이 있을 것이다. 본고에서는 치료율의 비교를 위한 여러 모수적, 비모수적 방법들을 소개하고, 생존분포, 치료율, 중도절단을 등을 다양하게 설정한 모의실험을 통하여 각 방법들의 검정력과 유의수준을 비교하였다.

In some clinical trials, one may see that a significant fraction of patients are cured and their original disease does not recur even after termination of treatment and pro-longed follow-up. This situation occurs frequently in pediatric cancer trials where there are excellent therapeutic results. In such cases, interest concentrated on the difference of cure rates rather than other types of differences in failure distributions. Various authors have investigated the parametric and nonparametric methods for testing the difference of cure rates. In this study, we compare by simulation the power and size of a parametric test and five nonparametric tests in a various range of the alternatives, censoring rates and cure rates. Our objectives are to determine if any test was preferable on the basis of size and power in various situation, and to investigate the effect of the model misspecification.



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