- Lacture Notes Math. v.523 Mathematical theory of Feynman path integral S.Albeverio;R.Hoegh-Krohn
- J. Mat. Phys. v.39 A family of integrals serving to connect the Wiener and Feynamn integrals R.H.Cameron
- Lecture Notes Math. v.798 Some Banach algebras of analytic Feynman integrable functionals, in analysis functions R.H.Cameron;Storvick
- J. Korean Math. Soc. v.30 no.1 A class of conditional Wiener integrals S.J.Chang;D.M.Chung
- Pacific J. Math v.130 Scale-invariant measurability in abstract Wiener spaces D.M.Chung
- Ser. Probab. Statist. v.1 Conditional analytic Feynman integrals for the Fresnel class of functions on abstract Wiener space D.M.Chung
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.122 no.2 Conditional analytic Feynman integrals on abstract Wiener space D.M.Chung
- Stochastic Anal. Appl. v.7 Evaluation Formulas for Conditional Abstract Wiener Integrals D.M.Chung;S.J.Kang
- SIAM J. Math. Anal. v.20 no.4 Conditional Analytic Feynman integrals and a related Schrodinger integral equation D.M.Chung;D.Skoug
- Pacific J. Math. v.146 no.1 Operator-valved Feynman integrals via conditional Feynman integrals D.M.Chung;C.Park;D.Skoug
- Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare Feynman maps, Cameron-Martin formulas and anhamornic oscillators K.D.Elworthy;Truman
- Rev. Modern Phys. v.20 Space-time approach to non-relavistic quantum mechanics R.P.Feynman
- Quantum Mechanics and path integrals Quantum Mechanics and path integrals R.P.Feynman;A.R.Hibbis
- J. Math. Phys. v.1 Integration in functional spaces I.M.Gelfand;A.M.Yaglom
- Tran. Amer. Math. Soc. v.105 Measurable functions on Hilbert spaces L.Gross
- Proc. Fifth Berkely Symposium on Math. Stat. Prob. v.II Generalized uniform complex measure in the Hilbertian metric space with their applications to Feynman path integrals K.Ito
- J. Math. Phys. v.23 The equivalence of two approaches to the Feynman integral G.W.Johnson
- Oxford Mahtematical Monographs The Feynman integral and Feynman's operational calculus G.W.Johnson;M.L.Lapidus
- Pacific. J. Math. v.83 Scale-invariant measurability in Wiener space G.W.Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- Pacific. J. of Math. v.105 Notes on the Feynman integral III : The Schrodinger equation G.W.Johnson;D.L.Skoug
- Ann. Inst. H. Poincare v.21 Analytic and sequential Feynman integrals on abstract Wiener and Hilbert spaces and a Cameron-Martin formula G.Kallianpur;D.Kannan;R.L.Karandikar
- Lecture Note Math. no.463 Gaussian measures in Banach Spaces H.H.Kuo
- Pacific J. Math. v.135 A simple formula for conditional Wiener integrals with applications C.Park;D.Skoug
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.105 Conditional Yeh-Wiener integrals with vector-valued Conditioning Functions C.Park;D.Skoug
- Stochastic Process. Appl. v.16 Generalized Brownian functional amd the Feynman integral L.Streit;T.Hida
- Pacific J. Math. v.59 Inversion of Conditional Wiener Integrals J.Yeh