A Design of Block cipher-Secure Electronic Xenogenesis Alorithm for Efficient Plaintext Management in Block Cryptosystem

  • 발행 : 2003.04.01


Presently, etwork is being in the existence as an influence can not be neglected. This rapid progress of network has gone with development of mobile network and information communication. But the development of network can generate serous social problems. So, it is highly required to control security of network. These problems related security will be developed and keep up to confront with anti-security part such as hacking, cracking. There's no way to preserve security from hacker or cracker without delvelopping new cryptographic algorithm or keeping the state of anti-cryptanalysis in a prescribed time by means of extendig key-length. Worldwidely, many researchers for network security are trying to handle these problems. In this paper, we proposed a new block cryptosystem. The Block cipher-Secure Electronic Xenogenesis Algorithm(B-SEXA) which is capable to cipher regardless of key distribution or key-length for these definite problem is proposed and designed in hardware. B-SEXA increase secret level from using a MDP and MLP in maximum is proposed to prevent cryptograpy analysis. The designed B-SEXA in this paper performed synthesization and simulation using Synopsys Vwe. 1999.10 and VHDL.



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