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- J Neurosurgery v.77 Pathophysiology and treatment of focal cerebral ischemia part Ⅰ: Pathophysiology Siejo B.
- Neurobiology of Ischenic Brain Damage NMDA receptors and AMPA/kainate receptors mediate parallel injury in cerebral cortical cultures subjected to oxygen- glucose deprivation Choi DW.; K Kohure;KA Hossman;BK Siesj
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- Neurosci Lett. v.98 Poto-oncogene c-fos is transiently induced in the rat cerebral cortex after forebrain ischemia Onodera H;Kogure K;Ono Y(et al.)
- 中醫經典通釋 神農本草經 徐樹楠;牛兵占
- 경희한의대논문집 v.9 黃耆 및 當歸의 免疫 增强效果에 關한 硏究 오민철;안규석;김광호
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- Am J Kidney Dis. v.34 no.2 Hemoatopoietic effect of Radix angelicase sinensis in a hemodialysis patient Bradley RR;Cunniff PJ;Pereira BJ
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- 보건복지 통계연보 보건복지부
- Stroke v.24 Evidence supporting a role for programed cell death in focal cerebral ischemia in rats Linnik MD;Zobrist RH;Hatfield MD
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- J Cell Biol. v.127 Altered gene expression in neurons during programed cell death: identification of c-jun as necessary for neuronal apoptosis Estus S;Zaks WJ;Freman RS;Gruda M;Bravo R;Johnson EM
- J Neurophysiol. v.63 no.3 Different responses of CA1 and CA3 regions to hypoxia in rat hippocampal slice Kawasaki K;Traynelis SF;Dingledine R
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- Stroke v.21 no.Suppl. 11 70-kDa heat shock protein and c-fos gene expression after transient ischemia Nowak T;Ikeda J;Nakajima T
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- 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授
- 本草學 李尙仁
- 完譯 中藥大辭典 李京淳;安德均;辛民敎;金昌玟
- 韓國의 補藥 최태섭
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. v.14 Differential expression of the immediate early genes c-fos, c-jun, jun-B, and NGFI-B in the rat brain following transient forebrain ischemia Neumann-Haefelin T;Wiessner C;Vogel P;Back T;Hossmann K-A