Intergenerational Social Support Exchanges and Life Satisfaction Among the Rural Elderly: Sex and Age Group Differences

농촌 노인의 세대간 사회적 지원 교환과 생활만족: 성별 및 연령집단별 비교

  • 이형실 (중앙대학교 가정교육학과)
  • Published : 2003.04.01


This study focused on individual differences in social support among older adults. The purposes of this study were to investigate sex and age group differences in social support and to examine the effects of intergenerational social support on life satisfaction among the rural elderly. Data were from 545 elderly over 60 years of age living separately from adult children in the rural area. With regard to sex differences in support exchanges, no significant differences were found in support-giving and support-receiving. Men reported giving more financial support to children than women, while women reported receiving more financial support from children than men. With regard to age group differences in support exchanges, there was less support-giving in older age group. Older parents in their 60s reported giving more financial, instrumental, and emotional support and receiving less financial support than the group of age 70+ Regression analyses showed that life satisfaction of both men and women was affected by support size and the frequency of contact with children. Giving financial and instrumental support was significantly associated with life satisfaction of men, but giving and receiving each type of social support had no effects on life satisfaction of women. Life satisfaction of parents in their 60s was found to be positively associated with support size, giving financial support and receiving emotional support, and negatively associated with giving instrumental support. In the group of age 70+, the frequency of contact with adult children and giving financial support had positive influences on life satisfaction.



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