- 한국 실험 및 인지심리학회 여름학술대회발표 논문집 비행기 착륙시 진입각 판단에 미치는 요인: 진입각 지시등의 배열, 거리 및 활주로 단서 권오영;신현정
- 한국심리학회지: 실험 및 인지 v.14 시각탐색에서 표적의 유형과 출현위치 효과 권오영;신현정
- 개념과 범주화 신현정
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance v.22 Display density influences visual search for conjunctions of movement and orientation Berger,R.C.;McLeod,P
- Vision Research v.15 Minimum separable as a function of speed of moving object Bhatia,B.
- Visual masking: An integrative approach Breitmeyer,B.
- Vision Research v.14 Contour suppression during stroboscopic motion and metacontrast Breitmeyer,B.;Love,R.;Wepman,B.
- Vision Research v.12 Resolution thresholds for moving targets at the fovea and in the peripheral retira Brown,B.
- Journal of the Optical Society of America v.2 Perceived contrast in the fovea and periphery Cannon,M.W.jr.
- Perception & Psychophysics v.57 The interaction of objective and subjective organizations in a localization search task Carrasco,M.;Chang,I.
- Perception & Psychophysics v.57 The eccentricity effect: Target eccentricity affects performance on conjunction searches Carrasco,M.;Evert,D.L.;Chang,I.;Katz,S.M.
- Vision Research v.37 Cortical magnification neutralizes the eccentricity effect in visual search Carrasco,M.;Frieder,K.S.
- Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston The effect of target position in a feature visual search task Carrasco,M.;Katz,S
- Vision Research v.38 Feature asymmetries in visual search: Effects of display duration, target eccentricity, orientation, and spatial frequency Carrasco,M.;McLean;Katz,S.;Frieder,K.S.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance v.18 Reversing visual search asymmetries with conjunctions of movement and orientation Driver,J.;McLeod,P
- Journal of Physiology(London) v.187 The contrast sensitivity of retinal cells of the cat Enroth-Cugell,C.;Robson,J.G.
- The processing of information and structure Garner,W.R.
- Journal of Optical Society of America A v.10 Double-opponency as a generalized concept in texture segregation illustrated with stimuli defined by color, luminance and orientation Gorea,A.;Papathomas,T.V.
- Journal of Neurophysiology v.36 Conduction velocity in pathways from retina to superior colliculus in the cat: A correlation with receptive-field properties Hoffman,K.P.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology v.53 Spatio-temporal factors in cessation of smooth apparent motion Lichtenstein,M.
- Journal of the Optical Society of America v.50 Movement threshold in peripheral vision McColgin,F.H.
- Nature v.332 Visual search for a conjunction of movement and form is parallel McLeod,P.;Driver,J.;Crisp,J.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance v.20 Perceptual integration of motion and form information: Is the movement filter involved in form discrimination? Muller,H.J.;Maxwell,J.
- Visual Cognition v.6 Visual search for conjunctions of motion and form: The asymmetry for easy-to-discriminate targets depends of practice Muller,H.J.;von Muhlenen,A.
- Vision Research v.20 Contrast sensitivity as a function of position on the retina Rijsdijk,J.P.;Kroon,J.N.;van der Wilt,G.J.
- Spatial Vision v.2 Short range limitation on detection of feature differences Sagi,D.;Julesz,B
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance v.24 Texture segregation and visual search: A comparison of the effects of random variations along irrelevant dimensions Snowden,R.J.
- Journal of Neurophysiology v.36 Projection of X- and Y-cells of the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus to areas 17 and 18 of the visual cortex Stone,J.;Dreher,B.
- Journal of Physiology(London) v.231 Separate channels for the analysis of the shape and the movement of a moving visual stimulus Tolhurst,D.J.
- Journal of General Psychology v.126 Visual search for motion-form conjunctions: Selective attention to movement direction von Muhlenen,A.;Muller,H.J
- Perception & Psychophysics v.62 Perceptual integration of motion and form information: Evidence of parallel-continuous processing von Muhlenen,A.;Muller,H.J.
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance v.27 Visual search for motion-form conjunctions: Is form discriminated within the motion systems? von Muhlenen,A.;Muller,H.J.
- Perception & Psychophysics v.60 Why are there eccentricity effects in visual search? Visual and attentional hyotheses Wolfe,J.M.;O'Neill,P.;Bennett,S.C.